unexpected beginnings...

It often happens, while I am photographing one of my works, to start "seeing" all sorts of worlds beyond the subject, forgetting the initial scope of the session and through the camera begin to explore a new "story"...
So, I keep shooting, changing the angle, bending, reaching, climbing on my two step, following this new way of experiencing my subject while thanking my good luck for discovering a new beginning at the end of a project.
... inspired while photographing the completed edition of a book structure I created for the BookArtObject collective.


  1. Those photos are so neat! With those colors, it reminds me of a tall, urban landscape from above. This is definitely a fruitful process of exploration, I'd say.

  2. Anna, they look stunning and very evocative of the Winterson text. Have you made some to sell? Just wondering...

  3. Isn't it amazing how another angle can alter your perspective of something all together? Now of course I am intrigued by what the book was intended to look like!Lesley x

  4. This looks amazing Anna and I think you are right - I can see another work, an installation, developing here.


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