give and receive...

the making/assembling of my cards

2011 has been a super busy year for me and a real good year, too!

on display:  cards made by my {artists} friends. 
Thank you Suzan Kraus, Sara Bowen, Ronnie Ayliffe!
I feel so fortunate to have had reasons to get on the roll for all sorts of tasks, tasting and celebrating some great highlights in my family's growth and my work's development and recognition.

In responding to a multitude of life's demands, I had to travel to well known and also to new places that fascinated and inspired me, I got to know and learn new ways, and most importantly I met new friends and reconnected with people I had lost touch and now I am thrilled to have found again.

Blogging introduced me to kindred spirits in far lands, art and creativity made the distances disappear and precious friendships have been formed that I hope will grow further in the year ahead.

Just before 2011 ends I want to thank all fellow bloggers, artists, followers, friends for the kind comments, the friendship and inspiration you are giving me and to wish good health, joyful times, friendship and love in the new year about to begin. I hope 2012 turns out to be a great good year for everyone!


  1. A very happy and healthy and productive year to you, Anna.May we meet again some day.

  2. Thank you Dinah! All happiness to you too, always...

  3. Hi Anna, thanks for stopping by. Just wanted to wish you a merry new year and hope 2012 is full of more wonderful things for you - your 2011 sounds great.


  4. Wishing you a wonderful year Anna! Your cards take the prize (if there is one!). Beautiful, complex and original! xox

  5. Happy New Year to you too Anna. Your creativity has inspired me in 2011 and I look forward to more of it in 2012!

  6. Lovely to meet you (through Liz Davidson's blog) on the first day of 2012 - looking forward to getting to know you better throughout the year ahead - meantime wishing you many creative adventures - I love artist's books too!

  7. Thank you all for your good wishes!

    Amanda and Lesley, compliments from artists I admire are truly precious! Amanda, thank you for... the prize!
    Lesley, your posts have opened new directions for me and given me many reasons to smile; thank you!

    Rambling Rose, what a beautiful name! Very nice meeting you, too!
    Thank you for visiting and for your kind note... See you soon!

  8. Your blog is a treasure so I am passing along an award to you, The Liebster Blog Award originated in Germany and recognizes up and coming bloggers. It is meant to showcase those who have fewer than 200 followers. (Liebster means "favourite" or "dearest" in German.) This is done in the spirit of pay-it-forward. In accepting this award, the recipient agrees to:

    • Thank the person that gave them the award and link back to their blog

    • Copy and paste the award to their blog

    • Reveal the 5 blogs they have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog

    Please grab your badge the Leibster badge at my site and continue this lovely award process!


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