so many points of view...

It's so thrilling while photographing a new work, discovering the structure changing in so many ways; a  reminder of something I heard many times growing up: the importance to always examine all points of view... 


  1. Once again spectacular work.........

  2. I agree about the thrill of finding so many ways to look at a structure. I became aware of this when I made my first flag book many years ago and I still love to flip it around to see the wonderful shapes it makes. This map fold is very impressive.

    1. Carol,
      It's amazing how many different "worlds" are contained within the folds of a 3 dimensional paper structure.
      Flap structures are also very giving in this sort of imagination ride... Thank you for you kind comments and as always: thank you for stopping by!

  3. Hi, just found your blog, what lot of wonderful stuff you make. LOVE your paste paper designs. I've made a lot of books and taught some basic workshops, but I'm feeling the urge to get into some more 'artists books' style stuff, your blog is really inspiring me, thank you.

    1. Nina, What a wonderful message!
      Thank you for writing and most of all thank you for letting my work inspire you.
      All the best on your next artists' book project.

  4. I have just made a little book about 'Point' using Turkish Map fold. So these type of images have been very much on my mind too.


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